Activism vs. Slacktivism Debate
I strongly believe that our current technology-driven culture inspires activism. How else would we have heard of programs such as Go Fund Me, or any other major organizations open to donations for a good cause? I have heard about these organizations through social media and have donated money and have taken actions in my own life. Some particular environmental organizations I have donated to, in addition to others' Go Fund Me accounts, include the World Wildlife Fund and Earth Justice. The World Wildlife Fund works to preserve the wilderness and to reduce humanity's footprint on the environment. Earth Justice is another wonderful program that acts as a lawyer for the environment, fighting legal cases to protect earth's future and our future. Just donating money, however, is not enough. I like to think of myself as the environmental activist in my family. I have not only donated to both, but I have also brought recycling to my house, am working on bringing compost to my home, and have supported all environmental preservation efforts at school. While my efforts may seem small, a study concluded that: Those whose initial act of support is done more privately (for example, writing to a member of Congress) are more likely to engage in deeper, more costly forms of engagement later on. Those whose initial support is public (i.e. through posting to Facebook or Twitter) are less likely to engage more deeply (The Washington Post). The fact that I can easily donate and spread the word about wonderful organizations like these, through social media and just at home, promotes activism, not slacktivism.